How I Turn Trauma Into Shirts/Apparel
I will start off by acknowledging that we all navigate the same world, encounter grief, pain, success at different rates/speeds. This is me just introducing myself and how MegPie AKA MegPie Boutique, came to be.
I will try not to "trauma dump" (in this post anyway) but will offer a little glimpse into the journey that led to this point, in the hope that you or someone you know can relate.
If you've been following along, you likely know that my brand is centered around mental health and happiness without the standards. I tend to be in a constant state of self-doubt — questioning whether I'm good enough, whether I've said or done the right thing, or even if I've smiled the right amount— it. is. exhausting. It can be so tiring to worry about "nothing" when it feels so big.
Shortly after getting married, many things seemed to spiral, such as: career confusion, my Snapchat hacked and leaked, severe depression, trying to conceive (TTC), heightened body image issues, traumatic labor and delivery experiences and post-birth trauma, and so on. Certainly, there were beautiful moments within that time but gosh, a lot of negativity can take over and just cloud your mind so heavily that it is hard to escape.
BUT somehow, I did. Just enough to see some light at the end of the tunnel. As a new, anxious mother, I found peace in spending countless hours in a day on TikTok, watching other small shop owners wrap up orders and living out their hopes and dreams. It was healing to me to watch it, no matter how monotonous it was; so how healing could it be if I started doing it?
So, I mustered up the courage to start my brand with $1,200.00 that Adam gifted me from our savings. God Bless that man for always believing in me and my ideas. I quickly purchased a heat press, various apparel blanks (where does one begin with that?), htv, and used the previously purchased Cricut machine that was purchased to start a wood sign business (or whatever else it could do for me).
My apparel is an outlet for me, it allows my brain to slow down and let my feelings out in a more relatable and beautiful way.
So many struggle day-to-day due to mental health struggles, it is incredible to see how my apparel resonates with those who need it. Whether it is in my shop, at events, or through online interactions, the connections formed over shared experiences are profound. I am honored and grateful to be trusted with their stories, even if it is simply through a shirt.
While I offer much more than just mental health apparel, it remains a cornerstone of my shop. My goal is for everyone who shops with me, feel happy and alive in their pieces.
Remember, it does get better, sometimes really slow but it is worth fighting for and waiting for. I am still on my "happy" journey— join me! <3
It's a sunny and beautiful day, enjoy! (even if it isn't in your area, still try to enjoy the little things)